Monday 19 March 2007

BBC Reports WTC 7 Collapse Before it Happens

I was going to post about this sooner but at first, YouTube and Google Video were straight up censoring videos and then some things seemed questionable to me so I held off on posting about this whole thing.

Most of what happened is summed up here:

The Santa Fe New Mexican - Blog Post By: Devin Green

As today is my last day setting the homepage for The Santa Fe New Mexican I thought I would bid you all farewell. I resigned two weeks ago to better pursue my personal interests. It is to my great amusement however that this day coincides with an astonishing story to share in this blog. There is an uproar rising across the Internet over what is being called yet another blatant, 9/11 smoking gun.

Early this week an independent researcher, reviewing video archives of the BBC's 9/11 coverage, divulged the discovery of an earth shaking incongruence. BBC reporters announced the collapse of the 47 story Salomon Brothers Building 23 minutes BEFORE the actual sudden collapse. This building, also known as WTC 7, is clearly visible, standing tall, as a reporter gestures to the live view through the window behind her.

The videos:

YouTube - BBC Reported Building 7 Collapse 20 Minutes Before It Fell

Putfile - time stamped BBC (UPDATE - November 28, 2007. 10:21 pm: This video was on YouTube for several months but I see it has now been removed. It use to be at this link and was titled “BBC 24 TELLS OF COLLAPSE OF BUILDING 7 WITH TIME STAMP!”)

The BBC had some ridiculous responses which can be seen here:

BBC The Editors - Part of the conspiracy?

BBC The Editors - Part of the conspiracy? (2)

YouTube and Google Video censoring this stuff shouldn’t be a surprise considering this:

BBC - BBC strikes Google-YouTube deal

The BBC has struck a content deal with YouTube, the web's most popular video sharing website, owned by Google.

There seemed to be some censorship on as well.

There is also a petition which can be seen here.

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